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This one is a share from my RSS reading list...

Heard about Joe a few days back. I am that kind of guy who usually forgets names. But this guys name stuck in my mind because he was making $250K a year! And he is a PLUMBER!!

The Analysts at CNN were already blowing this guys name up much before McCain (almost surely) made it a Dictionary term by mentioning it 21 times! I think this was more than the number of times he mentioned Senator Obama (For the record, he mentioned Obama 41 times)!!!

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Check out the number of Ads that show up when you search Google for this guy. He is already selling Tax calculators, T-Shirts and hair treatments.

And just for the heck of it, I created this word cloud of the top 50 words mentioned by McCain during the 3rd presidential debate from the transcript using Wordle.

And almost immediately after I finished it, looks like some one did the cloud for Obama's transcript :).

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