Logged into GMail in the morning and found out a strange message staring into my face.It came as a total surprise that GMail was checking the Firefox extensions I was using.
I always noticed Firebug tracking errors on GMail but never new that it could make GMail slow as I thought that the errors were tracked on page load. Then realized that it was the new GMail 2.0 interface I was using.
There was talk all around that GMail would be rolling out the new interface. But I always thought that this would be tested first in the typical Google way, with a 'New feature' etc., link on top. Not rolled out in a blanket manner.
The Official GMail blog says, "One side effect of this change is that if you're using third-party Gmail extensions, they're likely to stop working. We've contacted a number of the developers behind some popular extensions and provided them with an opportunity to create fixes, so check back with them for updates. We're sorry that it may be a bit of a inconvenience, but we're trying to make this change as smooth as possible."
[11/07/2007 09:10:00 AM